
Showing posts from July, 2024

Tenali Raman stories.

Tenali Raman was a famous poet and jester in the court of King Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara Empire, which existed in South India. Born into a poor Brahmin family in a small village in Andhra Pradesh around 480 years ago, Tenali Raman lost his father at a young age. He and his mother then lived under the care of his maternal uncle in the village of Tenali. Although he was sent to school, he had no interest in formal education. However, he developed a talent for witty speech from a young age, earning the title of "Vikatakavi" (jester poet) later in life. He received the divine grace of Goddess Kali and became renowned for his wit and humor. Tenali Raman served as a court poet and jester in the Vijayanagara Empire, where he entertained King Krishnadevaraya and his subjects with his cleverness and humor. The king frequently rewarded him with gifts for his amusing and intelligent performances. Tenali Raman's life events have been retold in many stories that continue to
In a certain town, there lived a young boy who was very devoted to God and had a good heart. His mother raised him with good moral stories and had a strong desire for him to grow up to be a good and successful person, despite any hardships she faced. To ensure that he didn't fall into bad habits or bad company, she was very cautious and careful in raising him. As he grew older, he realized he needed to get a job to support his mother. He was compelled to go to another town for work. Though he was sad to leave his mother, he was determined to work hard and take care of her. His mother made all the necessary arrangements for his journey with great care. On the day he was to leave, she told him, "Son, no matter what happens, always speak the truth. Wherever you go and whomever you meet, always tell the truth. Do not forget this!" In those days, people traveled by foot as there were no transportation facilities. So, the young man began his journey with a group of travelers. O

A prince who is lazy due to royal life. Is this a change?

A prince who is lazy due to royal life. Is this a change? Once upon a time, in the grand kingdom of Valoria, there was a prince named Aidan. Born to King Edmund and Queen Isabella, Aidan was showered with every luxury imaginable. From the finest silks to the most exquisite feasts, his life was a tapestry of opulence. He was doted upon by everyone in the palace, and his every whim was catered to without question. As Aidan grew older, he became accustomed to this life of ease and privilege. His days were spent in leisurely pursuits, enjoying the best that royal life had to offer. He never had to lift a finger, and responsibilities seemed like distant concepts meant for others. However, as the years passed, Aidan began to notice a subtle but undeniable change in the atmosphere of the palace. The once adoring glances from courtiers turned into indifferent stares, and cheerful conversations were replaced by hushed whispers behind his back. The palace, which had always felt like a warm embra